How to use iPhone, iPad for sharing files in Samba Server?

Sapido launches various broadband router with inbuilt samba server, which allows computers within same local area network (LAN) can easily access to it for files upload, download, or edit.... Moreover, it could also works as the file servers of your iPad, iPhone....etc. No need to download files to iPad/iPhone, nor synchronizing with iTune, you can enjoy the WiFi media streaming effortlessly. 

Now, we will show you how samba server work with you iPad/iPhone. Please get your Sapido router (GR-1733) and external USB HDD now!

Ⅰ、Install TIOD

1.      First, please install the free software “TIOD” for executing Samba Server. Enter into “APP Store”, and click Search. Key “tiod” on the top bar, and click “enter” on the right bottom. 

2.Wait for the searching result, and the right upper side will show. “Remote File Viewer – TIOD”.

3. Click “FREE” to install, and the window pops up for entering Apple ID password.

4.After the installing, “TIOD” icon will show on your desktop.

Ⅱ、Connect iPhone/iPAD to your Samba router

1. Before using Samba server, you have to connect your iPhone/iPAD to the SAPIDO router. Enter into setting program, and click “WiFi”.

2. Open “WiFi” function, and the wireless stations which can be connected nearby will be surveyed. Click the network you would like to connect and key the password. Then, click “Join” on the right bottom to finish connection.

3. Click “TIOD” on iPhone/iPAD for entering into the program. Click “MY PC”.

4. And then “Scan”. Program will survey the servers in local area network.

5. Choose the server you would like to connect, then click “Saved User ID” and type username and password. (Due to this “TIOD” program, you need to set up username and password for any characters. The column can not be a blank space.)

6.  If the “SAPIDO_GR-1733_sda1” folder shows up means the connection is successful. Click the folder and you will see all files and sub folders in it. (The folders in the below picture are built up premium for instruction.)


You can download files in Samba Server through “TIOD”, also play the files on-line.
Support Format:
‧Video: (avi, mp4, wmv, mkv)
‧Music(mp3, caf, wma, m4r, m4a)
 Word (doc, docx)Power Point (ppt, pptx)Excel (xls, xlsx)text (txt)
 Pictures/Photos(png, gif, jpg, bmp)
1. The music files in the below picture are in “music” file folder. Choose one file, and the related file information will show. Click “PLAY” on the right upper side to execute the files. If you click “Copy to Documents” on the left bottom, the file will then be downloaded to your iPhone/iPAD.

2. The document files are in the same operation mode as above. You can magnify and minify the file.

3. The photo or picture files are in the same operation mode as above. You can use your finger to slide the screen on iPhone/iPAD for previous or next picture.

4. The video files are in the same operation mode as above. You can play the film without downloading it to your iPhone/iPAD. In addition, there are options for selecting the quality and subtitle font of videos.

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