Does 3T3R perform better than 2T2R? Not exactly! Especially when it's 2T2R High Power!

If you think the more antenna your router has, the better wireless signals it would provide, than you will find it's just a myth after reading the below article.

There are many types of antenna standard, including the basic 1T1R, 1T2R to 3T3R, etc. 1T1R means the use of antennas at both the transmitter (T) and receiver (R). The router with higher number of transmitting and receiving antenna has better wireless signal.  The router with 1T1R antenna standard has one antenna, and with 1T2R /2T2R antenna standard has two antennas and so on. Nowadays, It is common see a router with 3 antennas in the market, it is based on 2T3R or 3T3R antenna standard. However, is router with 3 antenna absolutely better than  router with 2 antennas on wireless performance? The answer is not exactly. Once the power amplifier is added to the router, it increases the power of transmission. This is so-called “High Power” router.
“High Power” is used not only to strengthen wireless signal but also to reduce interference. This is a technology to strengthen penetration and enhance wireless performance. Moreover, by using” High Gain“ antenna , it will have better reception sensitivity and greater transmission range; the wireless signal can be received quite far. With both “High Power” amplifier and “ High Gain” antenna, wireless transmission strength and penetration can be enhanced greatly at the same time.

How to determine which kind of router has the better performance? 2T2R High Power router or 3T3R normal power router?

An important factor determines the performance of wireless communication is signal-to-noise ratio. It is a ratio of power of signal and power of noise. Simply, a high signal-to-noise ratio means high quality of signal; otherwise, a low signal-to-noise ratio means low quality of signal, and the package in receiving end is easily to be lost. The signal-to-noise ratio of 3T3R normal power router is 1.76db~4.77db. The signal-to-noise ratio of 2T2R High Power router is 11db~13db. Thus 2T2R High Power has the better signal quality.

You can’t compare good or bad from the appearance of routers. The wireless performance of two antennas’ router is not definitely inferior to three antennas. When you are in short distance or small range, multiple antennas technology can provide better transmit performance. But if you are in long distance, multi-floors, or town house, High Power technology is the only method to expand wireless coverage and enhance penetration.

Well, we believe you get a clear and corret idea on the numbers of antenna now. If you really care about the wireless coverage and peneration, high power router would be your best choice!

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