How to install SAPIDO wireless adapter under MAC OS?

Nowadays, the wireless internet has become more and more popular. With the wireless device, you can surf the internet without any space limited.
Sapido wireless adapter is not only high performance but also easy to install. Just fellow the few steps below, you can enjoy the convenience of wireless internet with your Mac right away!

  1. First, please install Wireless USB Adapter driver. You can download the driver from SAPIDO website or enclosed CD-Rom. (We suggest downloading the latest driver in SAPIDO website for achieving optimal performance.)
  2. When you start to install, a window pops up Welcome to the Wireless USB Adapter Driver Installer, please press “Continue”.
  3. Please read the important information, and press “Continue”.
  4. Select the language, and press “Continue”.
  5. Please press “Agree” to continue installing the software.
  6. Please press Install.
  7. Key in user name and password. Then, click “OK”.
  8. The window pops up the notice to remind you that computer will restart while finishing the installing. Please press “Continue Installation”.
  9. When the installation was successful, press Restart to restart your computer.
  10. After restart the computer, plug the device into the USB port on computer.
  11. Enter into the administrator’s folder. Click “Applications”. Then, click “Wireless Network Utility”.
  12. Click “Available Network”. Choose the network you would like to connect. Then, clickAdd to Profile
  13. Select the encryption type of wireless network you connect with and fill in encryption key. Press OK, and it's done! .

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